Finding details about your prescription drugs just got easier with Clever Care’s Online Formulary Search Tool. Our interactive tool eliminates the hassle of flipping through pages, offering a convenient search function to get the information you need, fast.
Simply enter the drug name or part of it, and our tool will provide you with the drug name, drug tier, and any associated requirements or limits. It’s designed to save you time and empower you to make informed decisions about your healthcare.
Try our Online Formulary Search Tool today and take control of your healthcare!
Contact Member Services at (833) 808-8153 (國語) (TTY:711) if you need help finding your prescription drug or require further assistance. We’re here for you every step of the way.
致電 (833) 808-8153 (國語)(TTY:711)
10 月 1 日至 3 月 31 日期間,每週七天,上午 8 點至晚上 8 點
4 月 1 日至 9 月 30 日,週一至週五,上午 8 點至晚上 8 點
請勿在您傳送給我們的任何電子郵件中包含個人識別資訊,例如:您的出生日期或個人醫療資訊。透過電子郵件進行網際網路通訊並不安全。透過傳統郵資郵寄、透過會員入口網站或傳真 (657) 210-6635 提交您的獎勵表格。
Clever Care Health Plan, Inc. 是與聯邦醫療保險簽約的 HMO 和 HMO C-SNP 計劃。投保需視續約情況而定。